Wild plants
A list of wild plants, which I can show on the events, with links to more informations...
Who has a garden is said to have a lot of work: loosing the earth, pulling out some wild plants, sowing seeds and giving water. In case of doing nothing, the garden will be soon full of many different wild plants. These I recommend to eat as much as possible! They have the power of wild nature; examinations have shown, that wild plants have much more vital substances than cultivated fruits and vegetables. Suggestion: Try out to eat a meal raw food with a lot of wild plants, feel the effect!
This list can give only some clues; the nature gave us our taste and intuition to decide, what is good for us and what not. It is in fact good to eat a bit little poisonous plants, and on the other hand plants which are said to be edible can be bad for us, if we eat too much of them. Also I cannot guarantee that all informations of this list are correctly; I cannot be liable for this list. If you are not sure about a plant and want to try out if it is good for you, much caution is appropriate. For example, the monkshood can burn in your mouth one hour, even if you take a tiny drop of its juice by beating and spitting out! Other plants have an hallucinating effect only about one hour after eating, and there are many other different effects of poisonous plants.
Here you can find the names of a lot of wild plants which I know and can show in a wild plant workshop, with links to more informations:
* If you go with the mouse over the English plant names, a few notes about the edible parts or the taste appear.
* If you click on the names, you'll come to an article from Wikipedia about this plant.
* If you want to see more photos from the plant, search this plant at images.google.com.
* If you want to find an English plant name in this list: Press on Crtl and F and put in the name of the plant.
Botanical |
English |
German |
Spanish |
Achillea |
Yarrow |
Schafgarben |
Hierba de Aquiles |
Adiantum capillus-veneris |
black maidenhair fern |
Frauenhaarfarn |
Culantrillo de pozo |
Aegopodium podagraria |
Ground-elder |
Giersch |
Angelica menor |
Alchemilla vulgaris |
Lady's Mantle |
Frauenmantel |
Pie de león |
Alliaria petiolata |
Garlic Mustard |
Knoblauchsrauke |
Hierba del ajo |
Allium |
Onion |
Lauch-Arten |
Cebolla |
Allium ursinum |
Ramsons |
Bärlauch |
Ajo de oso |
Amelanchier |
Serviceberry |
Felsenbirne |
Guillomo |
Anagallis arvensis |
Scarlet Pimpernel |
Gauchheil |
Pimpinela escarlata |
Anthryscus sylvestris |
Cow Parsley |
Wiesenkerbel |
Perifollo verde |
Arctium lappa |
Great burdock |
Große Klette |
Bardana |
Artemisia vulgaris |
Mugwort |
Beifuß |
Altamisa |
Arum * |
Arum * |
Aronstab * |
Aro * |
Asparagus acutifolius |
Asparagus |
Spitzblättriger Spargel |
Espárrago |
Atriplex |
Orach(e) |
Melden |
Orgaza |
Cardamine amara (u.a.) |
Cress |
Kressearten |
Hierba de Santa Barbara |
Bellis perennis |
Common Daisy |
Gänseblümchen |
Margarita común |
Betula |
Birch |
Birke |
Abedul |
Persicaria bistorta |
Bistort |
Schlangen-Knöterich |
Bistorta |
Bituminaria bituminosa |
Arabian pea |
Asphaltklee, Harzklee |
Trébol hediondo |
Borago officinalis |
Borage |
Borretsch |
Borraja |
Calendula |
Pot marigold |
Ringelblume |
Caléndulas |
Calystegia sepium |
Larger Bindweed |
Zaunwinde |
Correhuela mayor |
Campanula rapunculus |
Rampion Bellflower |
Rapunzel-Glockenblume |
Rapónchigo |
Capsella bursa-pastoris |
Shepherd's Purse |
Hirtentäschel |
Bolsa de pastor |
Cardamine pratensis |
Lady's Smock |
Wiesenschaumkraut |
Cardamina |
Celtis australis |
European hackberry |
Europäische Zürgelbaum |
Almez |
Chelidonium majus * |
Greater Celandine * |
Schöllkraut * |
Celidonia Mayor * |
Convolvulus althaeoides |
Bindweed |
Eibischblättrige Winde |
Correhuela |
Convolvulus arvensis |
Field Convolvulus |
Ackerwinde |
Correhuela menor |
Conyza canadensis |
Canadian Fleabane |
Kanadisches Berufkraut |
Erígero del Canadá |
Corylus |
Hazel |
Haselnuss |
Avellanos |
Crataegus laevigata |
Hawthorn |
Weißdorn |
Espino blanco |
Daucus carota subsp. carota |
Wild Carrot |
Wilde Möhre |
Zanahoria silvestre |
Eruca sativa |
Rocket, Arugula |
Garten-Senfrauke |
Oruga |
Echium vulgare |
Viper's Bugloss |
Gewöhnliche Natternkopf |
Viborera |
Epilobium angustifolium |
Fireweed |
Weidenröschen, Schmalblättriges |
Epilobio |
Euphorbia cyparissias * |
Cypress Spurge * |
Zypressen-Wolfsmilch * |
Euforbia ciprés * |
Euphorbia helioscopia |
Sun Spurge * |
Wolfsmilch, Sonnenwend- * |
Lechetrezna girasol * |
Euphorbia lathyris * |
Caper Spurge * |
Kreuzblättrige Wolfsmilch * |
Tártago * |
Fagus |
Beech |
Buche |
Haya |
Fallopia baldschuanica |
Silver Lace Vine |
Schlingknöterich (Klettermax) |
Velo de novia |
Ficus |
Fig tree |
Feige |
Higuera |
Filipendula ulmaria |
Maedowsweet |
Mädesüß, Echtes |
Ulmaria |
Foeniculum vulgare |
Fennel |
Fenchel |
Hinojo |
Fragaria vesca |
Woodland strawberry |
Walderdbeere |
Fresa salvaje |
Fumaria |
Fumitory, Earth Smoke |
Erdrauch |
Palomilla |
Galinsoga |
Soldier |
Knopfkräuter, Franzosenkraut |
Galinsoga |
Galium |
Bedstraw |
Labkräuter |
Amor de hortelano |
Geranium pratense |
Meadow Cranesbill |
Wiesen-Storchschnabel |
Geranio |
Geum urbanum |
Wood Avens |
Nelkenwurz |
Hierba Bennet |
Glechoma hederacea |
Ground-ivy |
Gundermann |
Hiedra terrestre |
Heracleum mantegazzianum |
Giant Hogweed |
Bärenklau, Riesen- |
Perejil gigante |
Heracleum sphondylium |
Hogweed |
Wiesen-Bärenklau |
Branca ursina |
Humulus |
Hop |
Hopfen |
Lúpulo |
Hypericum perforatum |
St John's wort |
Johanniskraut |
Pericó |
Impatiens glandulifera |
Himalayan Balsam |
Drüsiges/Indisches Springkraut |
Impatiens glandulifera |
Impatiens parviflora |
Small Balsam |
Springkraut, Kleines |
Impatiens parviflora |
Lactuca virosa |
Wild Lettuce |
Lattich |
Lechuga silvestre |
Lamium album |
White Deadnettle |
Taubnessel, Weiße |
Ortiga blanca |
Lamium purpureum |
Purple Deadnettle |
Taubnessel, Purpurrote |
Ortiga roja |
Lapsana communis |
Nipplewort |
Rainkohl |
Lámpsana |
Larix |
Larch |
Lärche |
Alerce |
Lathyrus |
Sweet Peas |
Platterbse |
Arveja |
Lemnoideae |
Duckweeds |
Wasserlinsen |
Lentejas de agua |
Leucanthemum |
Daisy |
Margeriten, Wiesenwucherblume |
Margarita |
Lotus corniculatus |
Bird's-foot Trefoil |
Hornklee |
Loto corniculado |
Malva sylvestris |
High Mallow |
Malve, Wilde |
Malva común |
Melissa officinalis |
Lemon balm |
Zitronenmelisse |
Melisa |
Mentha |
Mint |
Minze |
Menta |
Mercurialis annua |
Annual Mercury |
Einjähriges Bingelkraut |
Ortiga muerta |
Oenothera biennis |
Evening Star |
Nachtkerze, Gemeine |
Onagra |
Opuntia ficus-indica |
Fig Opuntia |
Feigenkaktus |
Higo chumbo |
Origanum |
Oregano |
Dost |
Orégano |
Oxalis acetosella |
Common Wood Sorrel |
Waldsauerklee |
Aleluya |
Papaver |
Poppy |
Mohn |
Amapola |
Picea |
Spruce |
Fichten |
Pícea |
Pimpinella |
Burnet saxifrage |
Kleine Bibernelle |
Pimpinela |
Hieracium pilosella,
Syn. Pilosella officinarum |
Mouse-ear Hawkweed |
Kleines Habichtskraut |
Vellosilla |
Pinus |
Pine |
Kiefern |
Pinos |
Plantago major |
Greater Plantain |
Breitwegerich |
Llantén |
Plantago lanceolata |
Ribwort Plantain |
Spitzwegerich |
Llantén menor |
Portulaca oleracea |
Common Purslane |
Portulak |
Verdolaga |
Potentilla anserina |
Silverweed |
Gänse-Fingerkraut |
Anserina |
Potentilla reptans |
Creeping Cinquefoil |
Kriechendes Fingerkraut,
Fünffingerkraut |
Cincoenrama |
Prunella vulgaris |
Common selfheal |
Braunelle |
Consuelda menor |
Prunus spinosa |
Blackthorn, sloe |
Schlehdorn |
Endrino |
Ranunculus repens |
Buttercup |
Hahnenfuss |
Ranúnculo arrastrado |
Raphanus raphanistrum |
Wild Radish |
Acker-Rettich, Hederich |
Rabizón |
Ribes |
Currant |
Johannisbeere |
Grosellero |
Ribes grossularia |
Gooseberry |
Stachelbeere |
Grosella espinosa |
Rosa canina |
Dog Rose |
Hunds-Rose |
Agavanzo |
Rosmarinus officinalis |
Rosemary |
Rosmarin |
Romero |
Rubus |
Blackberries |
Brombeeren |
Zarza |
Rubus idaeus |
Raspberry |
Waldhimbeere |
Frambuesa |
Rumex acetosa |
Sorrel |
Sauerampfer |
Acedera |
Salix |
Willow |
Weide |
Sauce |
Silene dioica |
Red campion |
Lichtnelke |
Silene |
Silene vulgaris |
Bladder Campion |
Taubenkropf-Leimkraut |
Colleja |
Sinapis |
Mustard |
Senf |
Mostaza |
Sonchus arvensis |
Sow thistle |
Acker-Gänsedistel |
Cerraja arvense |
Stellaria media |
Chickweed |
Vogelmiere |
Álsine |
Taraxacum officinale |
Dandelion |
Löwenzahn |
Diente de león |
Taxus baccata * |
Yew * |
Europäische Eibe * |
Tejo * |
Thymus |
Thyme |
Thymian |
Tomillo |
Tilia |
Lime tree |
Linde |
Tilo |
Trifolium |
Clover |
Klee |
Trébol |
Tropaeolum majus |
Indian Cress |
Kapuzinerkresse |
Capuchina |
Tussilago farfara |
Coltsfoot |
Huflattich |
Tusilago |
Ulex europaeus * |
Gorse * |
Stechginster * |
Tojo * |
Umbilicus pendulinus |
Navelwort |
Hängendes Nabelkraut,
Venusnabel |
Ombligo de Venus |
Urtica dioica |
Stinging Nettle |
Große Brennnessel |
Ortiga Mayor |
Urtica urens |
Small Nettle |
Kleine Brennnessel |
Ortiga |
Vaccinium myrtillus |
Bilberry |
Heidelbeere |
Arándano |
Veronica |
Speedwell |
Ehrenpreis |
Veronica |
Vicia sepium |
Bush Vetch |
Zaun-Wicke |
Veza |
Viola |
Violets |
Veilchen |
Violet |
* Caution; very poisonous!